R1 is the block button, and depending on which face button you press, you either evade or put up a block that deflects different type of attacks. This wouldn’t be a problem if they implemented a competent blocking mechanic, but in the blocking and evading system is almost completely broken and nigh-impossible to pull off. If you aren’t the one doing the button-mashing, it’s the computer returning the favor and doing the same. There’s other buttons that do things too, like flying and blocking, but forget all of that you’re the most effective when you mash the basic attack button repeatedly until the opponent goes down. These attacks drain Ki, which can be easily accumulated by holding the down button on the D-pad. There’s Super attacks mapped to the right analog stick, with each direction being a separate attack, and an Ultimate attack mapped to R3. There’s also a “special” attack or ability (Circle) unique to each character, which range from moderately useful to completely ineffective. You have two attacks, a basic attack (Square) and a charge attack (Triangle). The gameplay itself isn’t as disappointing, but it’s definitely lacking it’s almost overly simple, to the point where fighting is either boring or completely frustrating. I know there’s supposed to be some sort of story or adventure mode or something, and the fact that this demo bypassed that in favor of a simple exhibition fighting match is considerably disappointing. As a demo, it’s pretty infuriating they just throw you in the deep end of the pool and hope you can flail around enough to get to the edge and climb out safely. You’re given a choice of four characters, Super Saiyan Goku, Kid Buu, Demon King Dabura, and Ultimate Gohan,and two arenas, a canyon type stage and an ice stage.įrom the moment you press start, it’s a barebones demo there’s no setup, no tutorial, not even an options menu, meaning there’s no list of controls beyond a poorly designed “Moves List” in the pause menu. The demo is just one arcade-type fighting match, no overarching story or anything. I figured, hey, Dragon Ball is Dragon Ball, so I’d like this newest incarnation by proxy, right? The last Dragon Ball games I’ve played were the Budokai games on the PS2, and those were immensely enjoyable, with their crazy-totally-awesome-OMG-can’t-believe-it super attacks and an entertaining story-driven single player to keep the game fresh and replayable. The demo for Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 dropped on PSN this week, so I thought I’d give it a chance.